We Manufacture ActiVin™ & MegaNatural–BP®
California Natural Color is committed to sustainable operations. As part of being environmentally sound, economically viable, and socially responsible, the company researched uses for grape seeds that otherwise might have been channeled to waste or compost and produced co-products.
ActiVin™ Grape Seed Extract was developed and the dietary supplement industry embraced the antioxidant properties provided by its naturally occurring polyphenols. Further research and human clinical studies evolved into the opportunity to introduce MegaNatural–BP® Grape Seed Extract, a finely-tuned grape seed extract backed by peer-reviewed clinical research to substantiate structure/function claims. Both products have a high reputation in the dietary supplement industry.
ActiVin™ & MegaNatural–BP® are made with the same seed raw material but the production process is different. How is it different?
The outer layer of fresh and dry unfermented grape seeds contains valuable water-soluble phenolic compounds with unique health benefits. They are made with the same raw material, but the production process is different. How is it different? MegaNatural–BP® and ActiVin™ grape seed extracts rely on patented water-based extraction process to capture the desired phenolic compounds important for optimal functionality especially their antioxidant properties.

Only MegaNatural–BP® was developed by using a special patented process to reduce the molecular size of the polyphenols in the grape seed extract to provide more biologically active polyphenols with improved bioavailability and greater absorption compared to other commodity grape seed extracts in the market. MegaNatural–BP® has patented hot water extraction process and three other patents for 1) method of use, 2) process and 3) composition.
Our Grape Seed Extracts are Better
MegaNatural–BP® which contains lower molecular weight polyphenols in the grape seed powder provides more biologically active polyphenols with improved bioavailability and greater absorption compared to other commodity grape seed extracts in the market. That is why we have special specifications on our Technical Data Sheet and Certificate of Analysis. Due to the unique form of this grape seed extract, it not only has the antioxidant properties of ActiVin™ but also helps support the endothelial function by maintaining healthy nitric oxide levels that helps support healthy vasodilation and blood flow which was clinically shown to maintain healthy blood pressure levels in the normal range. MegaNatural –BP® has four publications, one is the mechanism of action and the three human clinical studies showing clinical results of Grape Seed Extract.
Our ActiVin™ & MegaNatural–BP® can be used in dietary supplements, food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, pet/animal feed, cosmetics/personal care products.

*These claims have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.